2013 International Student Graduation Ceremony Held


The 2013 international student graduation ceremony, hosted by the International Education Center was held in the Iwaki Hall of the 50th Anniversary Auditorium on Wed, Feb. 12th at 5:30 p.m.

The ceremony was attended by various representatives of Hirosaki University, including President Sato, Yoshizawa, Director of Planning, Ito, Director of Academic Affairs as well as the International Education Center, International students and others are interested parties, such as official representatives from Kikyono-cho chairperson, vice chairperson, students’ host family members,etc. It was held in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.

International students leaving for their home coutries after having finished their education at Hirosaki University were reluctant to part from each other, taking last minute pictures and reminiscing about their various adventures here.

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