HIRODAI-Originated Gourmet Dishes ~ French Cuisine Using HIRODAI Brand Ingredients~ “Aomori Petit Course” Introduced
On February 4th (Wed.), a meeting to taste “Aomori Petit Course”, that is very rich in HIRODAI* brand ingredients including “Apple beef” and the local food, was held at Hotel New Castle (Hirosaki City).
This event was hosted by The Institute for Food Sciences, Hirosaki University, to add high-value to agriculture, forestry and marine resources in Aomori, that is introducing some original dishes with full of the finest local products to promote consumption of the food for activating the community.
Hirosaki University selected ingredients to use for the dishes and Hotel New Castle was responsible for creation a menu and cook. Excellent dishes in visually appealing brigh colors including “Shimokita Seafood Platter”, which is fresh marine products in Shimokita including scallops and sea cucumbers, and a frothy, cold soup using “red fleshed apple “Kurenai no Yume”, that Hirosaki University developed to cultivate were served.
The next goal is to open a restaurant that provides the original dishes using high quality Aomori food in Tokyo through the community collaboration between industrial, academic, and government organizations.
*HIRODAI: Hirosaki University
Institute for Food Sciences
TEL: +81-17-763-5028
FAX: +81-17-781-7071
Email: jm5027@hirosaki-u.ac.jp
HP: http://www.ifs.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/