Statements About The 2019 Novel Coronavirus(As of January 12th,2021)


【Important】Class schedule after Winter Break【Dec.22,2020】

Follow this link for information in Japanese
新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)への対応について-About 2019 Novel Coronavirus

○To All International Students Studying in Hirosaki University
<List of Programs Available to International Students at Hirosaki Univ.>

○To All International Students Studying in Japan
<List of Programs Available to International Students>

  • Hirosaki University Special Student Loans 【May.7,2020】
  • 【To students of Hirosaki University】Statements about COVID-19 (Information) (monitoring your health and when not to come to campus) 【Dec.1,2020】
  • Regarding Using University’s Library(in Japanese)
  • Only the latest information is posted

    Hirosaki University Special Student Loans【May.7,2020】

    For students having temporary financial difficulties,“HU” can lend you money to cover your living expenses.


    【To students of Hirosaki University】Statements about COVID-19 (Information) (NO.2) (monitoring your health and when not to come to campus) 【Jan.12,2021】

    Click here for details-Hirosaki University Health Administration Center HP

    【To students of Hirosaki University】About classes and student life (As of April 1st,2020)

    Please read carefully, since academic dates have changed from the one we already announced. Please check your university email ( at least once a day for new information.

    1. Orientation

    Undergraduate Students
    -New Students (1st year students)
    Orientation schedule has changed. You can find the new schedule here.(in Japanese)
    -2nd year to 4th year students
    Information will be handed when you pick up the report card of 2019 Semester 2.

    Graduate Students
    -Please read here for the details. (in Japanese)

    1. Report Card

    You can pick up the report card of 2019 Semester 2 at the following date and place. If you entered the university in 2019, the pick-up time is from 10am to 12pm. If you entered the university in 2018 or before, the pick-up time is from 1pm to 3pm.

    March 30th at Room#306 at the General Education Building: Humanities and Social Sciences
    March 31st at Room#410 at the General Education Building: Education
    April 1st at Room#406 at the General Education Building: Science and Technology
    April 2nd at Room#318 at the General Education Building: Agriculture and Life Science

    The pick-up dates for students belong to School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences have not changed.

    1. Classes

    Classes will start on April 23rd, 2020. You can see the new academic calendar here.(in japanese)

    Classes will start on April 20th for 2nd to 4th students belong to School of Medicine.

    1. Checking Body Temperature/Follow-up Check and Health Safety

    Checking Body Temperature/Follow-up Check
    As we approach a new academic year, we are going to have a follow-up check period before classes start. Please make sure you have a thermometer at hand.

    The purpose of having a follow-up check period is to make sure no one at the Hirosaki University is infected with the COVID-19. Please avoid conducting any activities that may lead you to get infected, including unnecessary outings/trips and attending events that many people gather.

    Health Safety

    Everyday preventive actions are strongly encouraged, including washing your hands with soap and water thoroughly and gargling often.

    Check your temperature twice (morning and night) a day and make sure you are in a good health.

    Please fill in the Medical Interview Sheet and follow the direction depending on your results. Until classes will start, please avoid conducting any activities that may lead you to get infected (exception: attending university events you are required to come, working, and essential shopping).

    ■Medical Interview Sheet

    If you have the symptoms mentioned below, please contact the nearest health center.
    ?Continued to have cold-like symptoms or fever (above 37.5℃) for more than four days
    (including when you need to continue taking an antipyretic)
    ?Have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or difficulty breathing

    ※Please consult with the health center if you are a senior citizen or have an underlying disease, and you have had the symptoms mentioned above for about two days.

    If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding the COVID-19, please contact the Hirosaki University Health Administration Center via email or giving a call.

    1. Diagnosed with COVID-19

    If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not come to the university. Please report to the faculty you belong about your current situation, either by yourself or via a representative. If you need to be absent from classes due to COVID-19, Hirosaki University will not count them against your attendance.

    1. Difficulty Attending Classes

    If you cannot attend classes, because you are affected by virus containment measure, please report to the faculty you belong about your current situation. If you need to be absent from classes due to COVID-19, Hirosaki University will not count them against your attendance.

    1. Questions

    If you have any questions, please contact the faculty you belong to.

    【Sample Inquiries】
    ?I cannot attend the orientation for new students and/ or classes.
    ?I would like to ask about the application procedures for scholarships. I may not be able to complete them by the deadline.
    ?I would like to ask about the application procedures for tuition-exemption. I may not be able to complete them by the deadline.
    ?I will miss the student health check-up.

    1. Student Circles and Clubs

    Please cancel or postpone all the activities for a while. You are not permitted to use facilities for student circles and clubs.

    1. Traveling Overseas

    You are not permitted to travel overseas for a while.

    Related Websites:
    MOFA’s “Overseas Travel Safety Information” (mostly in Japanese)
    Hirosaki University Department of International Education & Collaboration

    1. Annual Student Health Check-Up

    It is postponed. It will be conducted with infection control measures. Please refer to the Univesity Health Administration Center website for more details.

    1. Events at the Career Center

    Events hosted by the Career Center will be conducted with infection control measures. Please refer to the Hirosaki University Career Center website and SNS for more details.

    Hirosaki University Career Center

    -Career Center LINE Account, Twitter Account

    1. Contact Information

    【Faculty?Graduate Schools】
    Opening Hours: 8:30am~5:00pm on weekdays (Not open on weekends and holidays)

    -Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
    TEL: 0172-39-3940
    -Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education
    TEL: 0172-39-3939
    -School of Medicine/Graduate School of Medicine
    TEL: 0172-39-5204
    -School of Health Sciences/Graduate School of Health Sciences
    TEL: 0172-39-5911
    -School of Clinical Psychological Science
    TEL: 0172-39-5911
    -Faculty of Science and Technology/Graduate School of Science and Technology
    TEL: 0172-39-3930
    -Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science
    Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science
    TEL: 0172-39-3752
    -Graduate School of Regional Studies
    -Graduate School of Sustainable Community Studies

    TEL: 0172-39-3960

    -Hirosaki University Health Administration Center
    TEL: 0172-39-3118/3128

    【Health Center】
    Opening Hours: 8:30am~5:00pm on weekdays (Not open on weekends and holidays)

    Hirosaki-city Health Center:TEL 0172-33-8521
    Aomori-city Health Center: TEL 017-765-5280
    Goshogawara-city Health Center:TEL 0173-34-2108

    【Aomori Prefecture COVID-19 Information Line】
    Opening Hours: 24 hours on weekdays (Not open on weekends and holidays)
    TEL 0120-123-801

    Department of Academic Affairs
    Academic Division TEL: 0172-39-3108
    Student Life Division TEL: 0172-39-3113