
平成25年度弘前大学学生表彰を実施/Hirosaki University Student Commendation Ceremony was held in 2013






 At the University, the Student Commendation Ceremony for all students or student groups having participated research activities or social activities or extracurricular activities was held in the large meeting room on the 3rd floor at Administration Bureau on Mon.Mar.3rd.

 The recipients of awards were 6 groups that had participated extracurricular activities or others and 30 students who had participated research activities or social activities or extracurricular activities. At the ceremony, Dean of Graduate School or Faculty, instructors, and advisors in charge of the circle attended. President Sato gave the certification of commendation and the gift to each student.

 He gave a speech with praise for their hard work, “the most important thing at University is diversity. Receiving the commendation through various activities means the symbol of being students working different things on campus. This commendation serves a good opportunity to be devoted more and contribute to activate the community.

 As a representative recipient, KOMAME Hitomi, senior year, Community Education Training Division, Faculty of Education, expressed gratitude, “we will continue to focus on our duties as students with pride and responsibilities that we are the students of Hirosaki University and try to work hard to each activity.”